Who is
Ear Pain
Ear pain and earaches are common in both children and adults.
Contrary to the common belief, Infection is not the only cause of ear pain.
Other common causes of Ear pain in India are acute or chronic ear infections, hole in ear drum, sinus infection, sore throat etc.
Human ear constantly produces and eliminates wax. If due to some reason, the natural elimination is unsuccessful, this wax can accumulate and harden, obstructing the ear canal. This impacted wax can sometimes be painful.
One should not try to remove wax using items like ear buds, cotton swabs etc. as it will make it more prone to become further impacted by being forced farther into the ear canal. This could complicate and result in ear itch, ear ache, filling with mucus, or become infected. It can even cause temporary loss of hearing.
Many over-the-counter ear drops are available in market, which soften the wax so it can naturally drain. However If the wax has set, visit your ENT Physician instead of attempting home remedies.
Dr. Eshaan Kaushik strongly recommends avoiding using materials like garlic and mustard oil for ear pain as it is a potential source of serious infections.
Contact us if you or your child is feeling pain in ear.
Pus in ears can have a variety of symptoms and be caused by a wide range of illnesses. It is caused by the response of body's immune system to the infection. Infections are mostly caused by bacteria. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that fights bacteria, they accumulate in the affected area and lead to pus formation.
There are numerous illnesses that can cause pus to seep from the ear, therefore symptoms might vary. Patients are typically asymptomatic at first; however, as the condition worsens, additional signs of pus in the ear can appear. These symptoms can include Pain, Swelling, Fever, Congestion, runny nose, Pain radiating from the ear to the face or sinuses, Hearing loss etc.
If you notice any of these symptoms, make an appointment with Dr. Eshaan Kaushik promptly in order to get correct diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment.
Our eardrum and ear canal are delicate, therefore, attempts to remove ear wax at home should be minimal. It will be safer to allow ENT doctor to perform the earwax removal.
If you have substantial pain, discharge, or bleeding coming from your ear, you should consult a doctor because these symptoms could be caused by another condition.
You should seek medical assistance if removing ear wax at home is ineffective or if there is an excessive buildup of wax in your ear that is impairing your hearing or blocking your ear canal. You can get ear drops from your ENT doctor that will help soften the wax or your Doctor could just vacuum it up or wash it away. The doctor can remove a blockage using, Irrigation, Suction, A curette (small surgical instrument), A rubber ball syringe etc.
Dr. Eshaan Kaushik recommends that before using any over-the- counter therapies or drops, you should consult a doctor if you believe you may have a perforation, puncture or hole in your eardrum. When there is an eardrum perforation, putting eardrops in your ear can result in infection therefore examination by ENT specialist is important.
Contact us to book an appointment.
In order to hear normally, sound waves must enter your ear and cause the eardrum to vibrate. The waves are propagated further into the ear by the vibration, which causes nerve cells in the ear to fire, sending sound information to the brain. The sound you hear are a translation of this information.
When there is a problem with one or more ear components, ear nerves, or the area of the brain that regulates hearing, hearing loss results. Three primary categories of hearing loss are sensorineural, conductive and mixed.
Sensorineural hearing loss: This kind of hearing loss is brought on by an issue with the ear's anatomy or the nerves that regulate hearing. It could appear early in life or at birth. Usually, sensorineural hearing loss is irreversible. There are various degrees of hearing loss associated with this, from mild (inability to hear certain noises) to severe (inability to hear any sounds).
Conductive: This kind of hearing loss is due to an obstruction in the path of sound in the ear. Although it can happen at any age, it seems to happen more frequently in newborns and young children and is frequently brought on by ear infections or fluid in the ears. The majority of the time, conductive hearing loss is mild, transient, and curable.
Mixed: Both conductive and sensorineural
Dr. Eshaan’s
experience, Elderly people frequently experience hearing loss. About one third of adults over the age of 65 years have some form of hearing loss, most frequently of the sensorineural variety.
If you suspect you might have hearing loss,
Contact Dr Eshaan
Kaushik to control or treat the issue.
Hearing tests assess your hearing capacity. There are many types of hearing tests.
What kind of test you need is decided by ENT Doctor and is performed by an Audiologist.
There are many types of hearing tests. Most tests measure how you react to sounds or words that are spoken in a variety of tones, loudness, and/or noisy settings. They are referred to as sound testing. A few typical sound tests are:
The middle ear muscle reflex (MEMR), also known as the acoustic reflex measure (ARM), measures how well the ear reacts to loud noises. When you hear loud noises, a little muscle within your ear tightens. This is called acoustic reflex.
Audiometry, Also referred to as the pure-tone test. In this test You'll put on Headphones which will receive a sequence of tones. During the test, the audiologist will alter the tones' pitch and volume at various intervals. The tones may occasionally be barely discernible. Every time you hear the tones, the provider will prompt you to answer. You could respond by raising your hand or pressing a button. Finding the quietest noises you can hear at various pitches is one goal of the test.
Tuning fork tests: A tuning fork is a two-pronged metal instrument that vibrates to produce a tone. In this test, The tuning fork will be positioned behind or on top of your head by the. The server will strike the fork to produce a tone. When you hear the tone you must inform the audiologist. The test can reveal if there is hearing loss in one or both ears depending on where the fork is put and how you react. Additionally, it might reveal if you have sensorineural or conductive hearing loss.
Speech and word recognition tests: Theses tests can demonstrate your capacity for hearing spoken language. During the test, You'll put on headphones. Through your headphones, the audiologist will speak to you and ask you to repeat a series of short phrases that are uttered at various volumes. The audiologist will capture the quietest speech you can make out.
Based on Your results,
Dr. Eshaan Kaushik
may find if you have a hearing loss, and whether the hearing loss is sensorineural or conductive. Treatment options include Hearing aids, Chochlear implants, and surgeries.
Contact Dr. Eshaan
if you have questions about your
Hearing test results.
The microphones in hearing aids translate sound into electrical impulses. The signal is amplified and transformed back into sound via a receiver and delivered into the ear canal via a tiny tube or ear mold. The hearing aid is powered by a battery in order to provide amplification.
There are many kinds of hearing aid devices that are available in Indian Market. Which hearing aid is best for you may depend on a number of different factors. These consist of your employment, lifestyle and the activities you routinely enjoy, eyesight and dexterity. Other factors include the size and shape of your outer ear and inner ear canal, the kind and degree of your hearing loss.
Dr. Eshaan Kaushik can guide you in making the best decision for you. You can start by making an appointment with him.
Dr. Eshaan Kaushik offers
treatment for Hearing problems, including Hearing Tests and Hearing Aids In Zirakpur and Panchkula.
Mon - Sat 8:00 AM -9: 00 AM
AND 5:00-8:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM-01:00PM